Kraft Blue Box Macaroni & Cheese, 7.25-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 15)

Kraft Blue Box Macaroni & Cheese, 7.25-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 15) by Kraft

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

We all know that macaroni and cheese has been dubbed as a comfort Food, but if you purchase the boxed kind for your child there could be dangers lurking with very bite.

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

Processed and unhealthy, just the color of the powder sauce alone should make one think. The Pasta, which is made from flour, is stripped of all of its nutrients. This means that it's really empty calories and will only turn to starch, which can cause weight gain and other health problems.

Of course it's easy enough to purchase a box containing whole grain Pasta instead. But, that doesn't eliminate the powdered sauce. That stuff is loaded with chemicals. So when it says imitation on the box it's another word for chemicals!

That one little packet contains poisons like FD & CYellow # 5 and # 6. These do nothing, but color the sauce into a yellowish orange because otherwise the stuff would probably look gray. Mmmm gray colored paste. Sounds appetizing doesn't it? Yep, you're not alone in thinking that's gross!

And if you've tasted the stuff recently you may have also noticed that it tastes a little bit sweet. That's because it contains sugar. If you're not familiar with how the Food industry works, almost anything you buy that is processed contains sugar. That's because without it the Food would be either bland or an unappetizing taste. It works in the same way those color chemicals work to make the product appealing and make the manufacturer money. Not to Mention that sugar is addictive. They are feeding your children addictive substances.

But yourbuck doesn't just stop there. That packet of sauce also contains a fattening secret known as partially hydrogenated oils. These very same oils are one of the reasons that heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.

And if you think that's something, you should take a closer look at how much sodium is in that packet of sauce. While it's healthy to have a little sodium in your diet, too much can actually raise your blood pressure.

So think about what you're really serving your child. Do you really want to go on feeding your child the boxed junk or would you much rather see them indulging in a macaroni and cheese that's made from Mother Nature. The choice is yours.

The Hidden Dangers of Your Child's Favorite Boxed Macaroni and Cheese